Season 3
A food fable about fall fare flavored with vibrant amber tones that mimic the sunset
Part 3 of 4
-– By Deborah Kesten and Larry Scherwitz –-
For as long as we can remember, we’ve longed to be in New England during the fall. As the air becomes brisk and the scent of smoke from fireplaces fills the air, the leaves burst with a range of vibrant golden and amber tones that mimic the sunset. For us, the tones of autumn reflect the transition from the heat of summer to the still, grayness of winter—just as the glow of dying embers serves as a bridge from vibrant, hot flames to pallid, pale ash.
Color-Rich Ingredients
When we’re surrounded by the bittersweet mood of autumn, we often marvel at the way the colors of this season materialize in food: the deep orange of pumpkin, the golden richness of acorn squash, the earthy brown of chestnuts. Intent on ingesting these marvelous manifestations of fall, we often create some squash soup on the spot. The key ingredients include steamed squash, roasted chestnuts, some fresh tarragon, and chopped scallions. The support cast: a mere tablespoon of extra-virgin olive oil; salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste; a bit of brown sugar; and grated fresh ginger—all blended together, then simmered slowly in a miso-based broth.
Our Savory Soup
As we garnish the golden-squash soup with a flicker of freshly grated nutmeg and a sprig of tarragon, we savor each spoonful and the way in which the soup makes us feel both grounded and connected to the richness of the earth and the change in seasons. Then, unexpectedly, we feel more than just nourished by the soup; our souls are somehow illuminated by its amber radiance.
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Think outside the diet to make weight loss last with “SUMMER: An Impromptu Meal Under a Summertime Night Sky,” Part 4 of our Seasonal Food Fables: A 4-Part Personal Memoir posted on our FreshFoodFables blog.
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